Routine maintenance, ensuring Crystal Clear ponds all year round
Need help on maintaining that crystal clear water feature? Crystal Clear Aquatics will maintain your pond or water feature for you.
Services include:
Full inspection, clean and service of all life support equipment, including pumps, filters, uvc's and skimmers.
Uvc tube replacement & quartz sleeve clean
Filter media replacement
Sludge vacuum (including streams/water falls where required) and partial water change
General tidy up of pond inc blanket weed removal, maintenance on plants where required, leaf litter removal, surface skim, etc etc.
Administration of treatments and fertilisers.
Water quality checks
Livestock health checks.
Seasonal visits including specifically tailored spring, summer & autumn service schedules.
And more!
Let Crystal Clear Aquatics do the dirty work so you don’t have to!
Plant Management & Weed Removal
It doesn't take long for aquatic plants to take over if left untended for too long. Blanket weed will quickly choke a pond, depriving it of oxygen and altering pH levels dangerously.
Duck weed will multiply alarmingly until the whole surface is covered, restricting light to other plants. Water lilies, rushes, yellow flag irises and other marginal plants can quickly outgrow their baskets becoming an unmanageable and often incredibly heavy tangle.
From ponds to lakes, Crystal Clear Aquatics can clear invasive species, cut back and re-pot desirable plants and administer environmentally friendly treatments to help control blanket weed, duck weed and green water.
A badly overgrown pond; before ......
...... and after servicing
Enjoy your pond in tip-top condition throughout the year

An attractive pond in a large garden at Horsham, West Sussex, but overgrown with vegetation.
The photos below show reedmace clearing in a large pond in West Sussex. The reedmace, Typha Latifoilia, is often mistakenly called the bulrush. However, the true bulrush is actually another species entirely: Scirpus Lacustris.

This pond is badly overgrown with reedmace
Cutting back and clearance in progress ...
Restored to its former glory after maintenance

A pond regularly serviced by C.C.A.
Carefull cleaning has restored the natural beauty of this pond.