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Construction sequence 2 C

Although a static (no water movement) pond can be healthy and relatively clear, in order to maintain a crystal clear pond, long term filtration equipment will be required.


We have comprehensive specialist first hand knowledge of appropriate life support systems such as pumps, filters to trap solids and improve water quality, through to ultraviolet algae sterilisation.  This ensures that the pond is as maintenanance free and as economical to operate as possible.


As the name suggests a clean, clear and healthy pond is our aim! Rest assured that along with designing and building your perfect pond or feature Crystal Clear Aquatics can advise, source and install all of the necessary equipment.

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A semi-formal natural stone wall and pond for a client in Greywell, Hampshire

We have expertise in designing ponds in many different styles

Whatever your preference, a formal minimalist pool or a weathered natural pond, Crystal Clear Aquatics is dedicated to providing you with the feature you desire.


From the early design stages through to the final installation, Crystal Clear Aquatics will work with you every step of the way to ensure 100% customer satisfaction.


This page showcases several ponds and features all of which have been designed, built and commissioned by ourselves.

A small feature pond for a client in Horsham, West Sussex

A pond and stream design for a client in Horsham, West Sussex

The sequence of photos below show the constuction of the walling and water feature in the top photo on this page

Construction sequence 4 C
Construction sequence 5 C
Construction sequence 3 C
Construction sequence 1a C
Construction sequence 6 C
Plinth & Statue C

Traditional submerged plinth & feature at Horsham

Modern raised sleeper pond at Cranleigh

Each pond is unique.  We will work closely with you to discuss your thinking and to develop a range of design ideas that

best meets your vision.


Please do contact us:


07747 036 070

Click to dial from a mobile



All pond and equipment installations are covered by the Crystal Clear guarantee.


 Should any issue arise with any installation, including equipment, pond/feature installations and all parts thereof, within 12 months, all problems will be put right at no expense to the customer.  Terms & Conditions apply: provided correct maintenance has been implemented and excluding normal wear & tear on consumables, pump impellers and/or blockages & uvc tubes/light bulbs.





Sleeper pond 2
Sleeper pond 1
Sleeper pond 3
Natural pond C cropped

A "natural" pond in a beautiful woodland setting in Horsham, West Sussex; designed and built by C.C.A.

Pond dug out ready for liner

A natural cascade for a client in Hawkley, Hampshire

A pond dug out ready for the liner

We hope that this selection of ponds that we have designed and built will have wetted your appetite to have your own pond!

A semi-formal pond and cascade in Greywell, Hampshire

Pic 1 IMG_4172  jpeg C
Pic 2 IMG_4173 jpeg C
Ponds and stream 2 C
Small ornamental pond, retrimmed, C
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